Low cost Breathing Aid/Respiratory Device
Amin, Waleed
Alhamdan, Salman
Alshabli, Thamer
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Desperate times cause for desperate measures, during this current pandemic the main
industry heavily relied on the most is Biomedical Industry. Due to this global crisis the
necessary equipment required to help sustain the life of people in need of critical care is
short in supply to say the least. This lead to them being completely abandoned whilst
they are literally fighting for their lives breath by breath, especially in developing
countries, where it is sad to say monetary funds have a direct correlation with one’s
treatment from this disease. Covid-19 is a respiratory disease which means the main
organs targeted are lungs, which therefore leads to breathing problems. Our goal is to
design a low-cost non-invasive device, which helps in aiding the breathing of the
infected, the main fatal symptom is Pneumonia, even after recovering from this
symptom patients still require Breathing Devices to continue help aid their lungs to
function, for this ventilators can be used but as they are very short in supply and
critically in need. Here where our device comes in we want to make a prototype which
would be based around microcontroller called Arduino, and would contain at least four
designing aspects done by us, including a display to monitor the intake of oxygen,
pressure sensors, a sensor based blowing motor and a controller to operate that given
motor. Furthermore, we would like to integrate it with one’s smart watch where oxygen
and carbon dioxide levels along with heart rate are trackable and can be monitored to a
certain extent of accuracy, which is acceptable to track a patients progress infected
with this disease. Although, this device is still very early in the development phase,
however we hope to make this device a low cost non invasive ventilator, which would
be an good option in this current climate.
College of Engineering and Applied Sciences