AlMutairi, Doha
Hardan, Elham
Al-Ajmi, Eman
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Hearing impairment is defined as losing the ability to hear partially or fully due to many causes. The reasons may vary from natural causes (being born with it, losing hearing gradually as they age, or due to a health issue) to accidental causes (sudden loud bangs, an injury, etc.). Some people with impaired hearing use sign language to communicate with others but the issue lies when others cannot understand them. Moreover, sign language uses visual gestures and moving the hand and fingers in a specific manner to form words and sentences. This type of communication language is not universal, and it varies from one country to another. The Arabic sign language does not alternate with different dialects. Hence, a unified Arabic sign language is used. In Kuwait, the official sign language used is the Arabic sign language (ArSL).
Not only those who have hearing impairment use sign-language but also children with autism who are nonverbal. Some patients with a medical condition like Aphasia learn sign-language too. Alongside, it is even more difficult for those with hearing and speech impairments to communicate in the society. Simple daily life activity could become an overly complicated task.
There is a lack of awareness in Kuwait regarding this issue. Those who suffer from hearing impairments struggle with their daily life since their main form of communication is widely unheard of. Sadly, sign language is not a widespread language as the concept of learning is hardly taught compared to English, French, Spanish etc. Making those who depend on any form of sign language as a first language are often overlooked in society and everyday life. Simple tasks and interactions can sometimes be frustrating and impossible to do. For example, they can have a hard time asking for directions or ordering a meal as the only language they know is considered foreign to most of the world. They face many difficulties with basic forms of communication and often leads to needing of assistance just to live a normal life.
The proposed solution in this paper is a wireless sign recognition glove used to accurately interpret sign language gestures to text so others can understand them better. This glove aims to make interactions easier and more comfortable. It gives them a tool to express themselves more and to stop relying on other people for interpretation.
College of Engineering and Applied Sciences